Friday, January 30, 2009

Chairman Greer Congratulates Michael Steele

Washington, D.C.–Republican Party of Florida Chairman Jim Greer released the following statement today congratulating former Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele on his election as Chairman of the Republican National Committee:

“Michael Steele encompasses all of the abilities necessary to lead the Republican Party. He possesses leadership and organizational skills, the ability to raise needed financial resources and most importantly, convey a credible message throughout this nation that the Republican Party is the Party committed to serving the middle class and focusing on the issues important to all Republicans nationwide,” said Chairman Greer.

“Our Party’s founding principles must never be forgotten and we must never fail to proudly acknowledge that the Republican Party is the Party of faith and family values, but beyond that we must embrace new ideas and bold leadership and be a Party that understands that diversity is the cornerstone to growth and success.

“Michael Steele understands this challenge and the responsibility that comes with serving Republicans across the nation as their Chairman. Just as I fully supported his candidacy, and wholeheartedly encouraged others to do so, I place my full support and confidence in Michael Steele as he embarks on this new challenge and I look forward to working with him to grow the Party.

Chairman Greer was the first influential state party chairman to endorse Michael Steele and served as a critical member of the Steele team in encouraging support for Steele’s candidacy. Today, Chairman Greer officially seconded Steele’s nomination for the position of RNC Chairman. His remarks are below:

"My name is Jim Greer, Chairman from the great state of Florida, and I move to second the nomination of Michael Steele.

"Today, each of us has the responsibility to see the Republican Party as it is through the eyes of Republicans throughout this nation, not through our own eyes. We need a national chairman who can have a credible discussion with the American voter, excite and motivate the grassroots volunteers, promote diversity within our party and look to the future, not to the past.

"Your vote today can be the greatest contribution you have ever made to the Republican Party. The nation is watching and there is one person who possesses all of the qualities to lead us to victory. I ask you to make the right decision and vote for Michael Steele."