Saturday, October 4, 2008
Change of Venue for Palin Victory Rally in Pensacola
Due to an overwhelming response, the Victory Rally with Republican Vice Presidential Nominee, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, and the Florida ticket scheduled for Tuesday, October 7, 2008, at the Pensacola Aviation Center, has been moved to the Pensacola Civic Center. Additional tickets are being printed and will be distributed to area victory offices. For more information, please call (850) 391-4219 oror click here.
OBAMA PRESIDENTE ...”mis ideas cambian día a día, pero no mi corazón” -Obama
Por Armando Valladares, OP-ED
Estas elecciones próximas serán únicas en la Historia de los EEUU de América. No se trata esta vez simplemente de una contienda entre el Partido Demócrata y el Republicano. Por primera vez están en juego los valores, los principios, los ideales que han formado esta gran nación. Destruir los cimientos de este país ha sido un viejo sueño de ideologías totalitarias, de líderes frustrados. Carlos Marx recomendaba inundar las calles de Norteamérica de drogas y pornografía para envilecer y debilitar a la juventud... los musulmanes, sin excepción, ven a los EEUU como los infieles que deben ser exterminados y creen que con el terrorismo lo lograran, y anuncian la próxima caída del imperio-capitalista. Otros con un enfoque más "civilizado" piensan, desde adentro minar las estructuras morales, sociales y políticas.
Lo que está ocurriendo con el aspirante a la presidencia Barack Hussein Obama, me recuerda, de forma inevitable, lo que ocurrió con Fidel Castro, y más tarde lo que sucedió con Chávez. Cuando advertíamos a nuestros amigos venezolanos que el precio de ese "cambio", podían pagarlo con la falta de libertad, nos acusaban de que veíamos amenazas hasta en la sopa.... Teníamos razón, pero ya es muy tarde....
Para Obama el fin justifica los medios, baste con recordar algunas de sus actuaciones y declaraciones. Dijo al principio, cuando le preguntaron porque no llevaba una banderita americana en la solapa, que eso era una hipocresía y que nunca se la pondría. Cuando reacondicionaron el avión en el que viaja, ordenó borrar la bandera americana que tenía pintada en la cola. En el primer debate con el aspirante republicano McCain, Obama llevaba una banderita americana en la solapa. Prueba irrefutable de su inconsistencia y oportunismo. La moral de Obama está subordinada a sus apetencias políticas.
Si Obama fuese electo Presidente nuestra sociedad estará más que nunca en un gran peligro. Uno de los objetivos es la disolucion de la familia y sus valores. Obama apoya el matrimonio entre los del mismo sexo. Quiere llevarlo a la Constitución. Obama está en favor de la adopción de niños por las parejas gays. No, a la oración en los colegios, pero si al reparto de condones.
En cuanto al aborto, ha votado el 100% de las veces en favor de todo tipo de aborto y por cualquier razón. Está en favor de que no se les comunique a los padres si sus hijas de 13 o de 14 años deciden abortar. Quiere despenalizar el acto de llevar a las menores de un estado a otro para hacerles abortos.
Creo que no hay crimen más abominable que el aborto parcial, consiste en sacar al bebe hasta la mitad del cuerpo fuera del utero, para poder decir que todavía no ha nacido. Se practica en la etapa final del embarazo, el niño está vivo, le taladran el cráneo y con una aspiradora le succionan el cerebro. Sólo verdaderos criminales desalmados pueden aprobar estos asesinatos de las más débiles de todas las criaturas: los bebés. Obama es el más ferviente promotor de estos crímenes. Sus seguidores están diciendo Obama no apoya el aborto. Ahí están los récords de sus votaciones para desmentirlo.
Si Obama saliera Presidente, dos de los Magistrados de la Corte Suprema tienen muchísimas posibilidades de retirarse, esto se da por hecho. Obama escogería a los próximos, de por vida, que tendrían que pensar como piensa él sobre el aborto, la homosexualidad y demás temas.
Pero lo más grave es la apología de Obama a los terroristas. William "Bill" Ayers fue uno de los fundadores de la organización izquierdista The Weathermen. Fueron ellos los que pusieron la bomba en el cuartel de la Policía de New York en el año 1970. La bomba en el Capitolio de Washington en el 1971 y en Pentágono en el 1972, entre otros actos terroristas.
Ayers declaraba en el 1995 "soy un radical izquierdista, pequeño comunista "(sic) aliado del Movimiento negro de Liberacion, planteaba la destrucción del imperialismo norteamericano.
En Junio de 1974 el movimiento "Weather underground" redactó un documento que decía: "Nosotros somos una organización de guerrilleros, somos hombres y mujeres comunistas todavía clandestinos..." (sic)
Hay más todavía. Obama y Ayers sirvieron juntos en una organización de extrema izquierda Woods Fund Board, desde el 1999 al 2002.
Ayers le presentó a Obama sus amigos terroristas y con ellos organizó veladas en su casa para recaudar dinero para la primera campaña del aspirante al Senado en Illinois, su amigo Obama. Juntos aparecieron muchas veces en conferencias públicas, en paneles. Ayers fue un donante a la campana de Obama en el 2001. Ayers es ahora un distinguido profesor en la Universidad de Illinois en Chicago. Enseña Justicia Social, reforma de la educación, reforma sexual (¿) etc. etc. Si Obama resultara Presidente Ayers tendrá un cargo importante en su administración. Porque Obama dijo en el 1993 ... "que Ayers era una persona respetable y que estaba orgulloso de su amistad."
Obama perteneció a una Iglesia racista , la Trinity United Church Of Christ, que propugna la Teología de la Liberación inspirada en el libro del Dr, James "Blacks Power and Black Theology" Como no le convenía , otra vez subordinando su "moral" a sus aspiraciones políticas, renunció tratando de poner distancia entre la Iglesia y él, pero su corazón estaba allí... Obama juró los 12 preceptos o mandamientos de esta Iglesia, trató de negarlo y su guía espiritual el racista Jeremiah Wrigth lo desmintió. Así decía el juramento de Obama: "Nosotros somos africanos y debemos ser leales a nuestra tierra nativa, al Continente Madre (Africa) la cuna de la civilización.." La lealtad de Obama pertenece al Africa, y es por esto por lo que se niega a saludar la bandera y a poner su mano sobre el corazón cuando se toca el Himno Nacional Norteamericano...y es por eso que no quería colocarse la banderita en la solapa, y la razón por la que mandó a borrar la bandera norteamericana en la cola del avión de campaña, eso le dictaba su corazón.... Para Obama la consigna marxista de "El fin justifica los medios" es un arma que emplea consistentemente: engaña si tiene que engañar-como ya lo ha hecho; miente si tiene que mentir-como lo hace a diario- y en el colmo de cinismo ha declarado lo siguiente: "Mis ideas cambian cada día, pero no mi corazón..." * y entonces se puso la banderita en la solapa......
*(artículo de Paula Neal Mooney, oct 25 2006)
Estas elecciones próximas serán únicas en la Historia de los EEUU de América. No se trata esta vez simplemente de una contienda entre el Partido Demócrata y el Republicano. Por primera vez están en juego los valores, los principios, los ideales que han formado esta gran nación. Destruir los cimientos de este país ha sido un viejo sueño de ideologías totalitarias, de líderes frustrados. Carlos Marx recomendaba inundar las calles de Norteamérica de drogas y pornografía para envilecer y debilitar a la juventud... los musulmanes, sin excepción, ven a los EEUU como los infieles que deben ser exterminados y creen que con el terrorismo lo lograran, y anuncian la próxima caída del imperio-capitalista. Otros con un enfoque más "civilizado" piensan, desde adentro minar las estructuras morales, sociales y políticas.
Lo que está ocurriendo con el aspirante a la presidencia Barack Hussein Obama, me recuerda, de forma inevitable, lo que ocurrió con Fidel Castro, y más tarde lo que sucedió con Chávez. Cuando advertíamos a nuestros amigos venezolanos que el precio de ese "cambio", podían pagarlo con la falta de libertad, nos acusaban de que veíamos amenazas hasta en la sopa.... Teníamos razón, pero ya es muy tarde....
Para Obama el fin justifica los medios, baste con recordar algunas de sus actuaciones y declaraciones. Dijo al principio, cuando le preguntaron porque no llevaba una banderita americana en la solapa, que eso era una hipocresía y que nunca se la pondría. Cuando reacondicionaron el avión en el que viaja, ordenó borrar la bandera americana que tenía pintada en la cola. En el primer debate con el aspirante republicano McCain, Obama llevaba una banderita americana en la solapa. Prueba irrefutable de su inconsistencia y oportunismo. La moral de Obama está subordinada a sus apetencias políticas.
Si Obama fuese electo Presidente nuestra sociedad estará más que nunca en un gran peligro. Uno de los objetivos es la disolucion de la familia y sus valores. Obama apoya el matrimonio entre los del mismo sexo. Quiere llevarlo a la Constitución. Obama está en favor de la adopción de niños por las parejas gays. No, a la oración en los colegios, pero si al reparto de condones.
En cuanto al aborto, ha votado el 100% de las veces en favor de todo tipo de aborto y por cualquier razón. Está en favor de que no se les comunique a los padres si sus hijas de 13 o de 14 años deciden abortar. Quiere despenalizar el acto de llevar a las menores de un estado a otro para hacerles abortos.
Creo que no hay crimen más abominable que el aborto parcial, consiste en sacar al bebe hasta la mitad del cuerpo fuera del utero, para poder decir que todavía no ha nacido. Se practica en la etapa final del embarazo, el niño está vivo, le taladran el cráneo y con una aspiradora le succionan el cerebro. Sólo verdaderos criminales desalmados pueden aprobar estos asesinatos de las más débiles de todas las criaturas: los bebés. Obama es el más ferviente promotor de estos crímenes. Sus seguidores están diciendo Obama no apoya el aborto. Ahí están los récords de sus votaciones para desmentirlo.
Si Obama saliera Presidente, dos de los Magistrados de la Corte Suprema tienen muchísimas posibilidades de retirarse, esto se da por hecho. Obama escogería a los próximos, de por vida, que tendrían que pensar como piensa él sobre el aborto, la homosexualidad y demás temas.
Pero lo más grave es la apología de Obama a los terroristas. William "Bill" Ayers fue uno de los fundadores de la organización izquierdista The Weathermen. Fueron ellos los que pusieron la bomba en el cuartel de la Policía de New York en el año 1970. La bomba en el Capitolio de Washington en el 1971 y en Pentágono en el 1972, entre otros actos terroristas.
Ayers declaraba en el 1995 "soy un radical izquierdista, pequeño comunista "(sic) aliado del Movimiento negro de Liberacion, planteaba la destrucción del imperialismo norteamericano.
En Junio de 1974 el movimiento "Weather underground" redactó un documento que decía: "Nosotros somos una organización de guerrilleros, somos hombres y mujeres comunistas todavía clandestinos..." (sic)
Hay más todavía. Obama y Ayers sirvieron juntos en una organización de extrema izquierda Woods Fund Board, desde el 1999 al 2002.
Ayers le presentó a Obama sus amigos terroristas y con ellos organizó veladas en su casa para recaudar dinero para la primera campaña del aspirante al Senado en Illinois, su amigo Obama. Juntos aparecieron muchas veces en conferencias públicas, en paneles. Ayers fue un donante a la campana de Obama en el 2001. Ayers es ahora un distinguido profesor en la Universidad de Illinois en Chicago. Enseña Justicia Social, reforma de la educación, reforma sexual (¿) etc. etc. Si Obama resultara Presidente Ayers tendrá un cargo importante en su administración. Porque Obama dijo en el 1993 ... "que Ayers era una persona respetable y que estaba orgulloso de su amistad."
Obama perteneció a una Iglesia racista , la Trinity United Church Of Christ, que propugna la Teología de la Liberación inspirada en el libro del Dr, James "Blacks Power and Black Theology" Como no le convenía , otra vez subordinando su "moral" a sus aspiraciones políticas, renunció tratando de poner distancia entre la Iglesia y él, pero su corazón estaba allí... Obama juró los 12 preceptos o mandamientos de esta Iglesia, trató de negarlo y su guía espiritual el racista Jeremiah Wrigth lo desmintió. Así decía el juramento de Obama: "Nosotros somos africanos y debemos ser leales a nuestra tierra nativa, al Continente Madre (Africa) la cuna de la civilización.." La lealtad de Obama pertenece al Africa, y es por esto por lo que se niega a saludar la bandera y a poner su mano sobre el corazón cuando se toca el Himno Nacional Norteamericano...y es por eso que no quería colocarse la banderita en la solapa, y la razón por la que mandó a borrar la bandera norteamericana en la cola del avión de campaña, eso le dictaba su corazón.... Para Obama la consigna marxista de "El fin justifica los medios" es un arma que emplea consistentemente: engaña si tiene que engañar-como ya lo ha hecho; miente si tiene que mentir-como lo hace a diario- y en el colmo de cinismo ha declarado lo siguiente: "Mis ideas cambian cada día, pero no mi corazón..." * y entonces se puso la banderita en la solapa......
*(artículo de Paula Neal Mooney, oct 25 2006)
Friday, October 3, 2008
Change of Venue for Palin Victory Rally in Ft. Myers
Due to an overwhelming response, the Victory Rally with Republican Vice Presidential Nominee, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, and the Florida ticket scheduled for Monday, October 6, 2008, at the Alico Arena of Florida Gulf Coast University, has been moved to the Germain Arena. Additional tickets are being printed and will be distributed to area victory offices. All tickets previously issued will be valid at the new location.
Event Information:
Ft. Myers Road to Victory Rally
Date: Monday, October 6, 2008
Germain Arena
11000 Everblades Parkway
Estero FL 33928
Doors Open at 11:00 a.m. EST
We encourage attendees to arrive early. Security will be similar to airport security.
*Please limit backpacks and large bags.
*No coolers.
*No signs or markers.
Ample Parking is available at the venue on a first come, first served basis. Overflow parking is available at Miromar Outlet Mall, which is adjacent to the arena. A shuttle service will be provided.
Location: Miromar Outlet Mall
Exit 123 off of Highway 75
Intersection of Corkscrew Road and Ben Hill Griffin Road
Event Information:
Ft. Myers Road to Victory Rally
Date: Monday, October 6, 2008
Germain Arena
11000 Everblades Parkway
Estero FL 33928
Doors Open at 11:00 a.m. EST
We encourage attendees to arrive early. Security will be similar to airport security.
*Please limit backpacks and large bags.
*No coolers.
*No signs or markers.
Ample Parking is available at the venue on a first come, first served basis. Overflow parking is available at Miromar Outlet Mall, which is adjacent to the arena. A shuttle service will be provided.
Location: Miromar Outlet Mall
Exit 123 off of Highway 75
Intersection of Corkscrew Road and Ben Hill Griffin Road
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (October 3, 2008) - A new poll released today by the Florida Chamber of Commerce shows Republicans John McCain and Sarah Palin leading Democrats Barack Obama and Joe Biden 45 percent to 42 percent. The poll, taken just before the vice presidential debate, also has Libertarian Bob Barr at 1 percent, Ecology Party nominee Ralph Nader at 1 percent and one of the other candidates at 1 percent. 10 percent are undecided.
The Florida Chamber poll asked likely voters the following question: If the election for President were held today, would you vote for (ROTATE) Republicans John McCain and Sarah Palin, Democrats Barack Obama and Joe Biden, Libertarian Bob Barr, Ecology Party Nominee Ralph Nader or one of the other candidates?
The results were:
Republicans John McCain/Sarah Palin 45%
Democrats Barack Obama/Joe Biden 42%
Libertarian Bob Barr 1%
Ecology Party Nominee Ralph Nader 1%
One of the Other Candidates 1%
Undecided/Don't Know/Refused 10%
"This is the Florida Chamber's first poll that includes the presidential candidates' running mates," said Marian Johnson, Vice President of Political Strategy for the Florida Chamber of Commerce. "Florida remains in play and we expect to see the candidates all over our state in the coming weeks. Third party candidates have yet to win over a significant number of Florida voters. But in a close election, as this one appears to be as of today, every vote matters so they remain a
The Florida Chamber poll also asked likely voters this question: Do you strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove or strongly disapprove of the federal government stepping in to try to address the
problems facing struggling financial institutions?
The results were:
Strongly Approve 21%
Approve 29%
Disapprove 19%
Strongly Disapprove 21%
Unsure/Refused 10%
The statewide poll was conducted September 30 - October 1, 2008 by the Florida Chamber of Commerce. 619 registered voters statewide were surveyed. This poll has a 95% confidence level and an overall margin of error of +/- 4.0% recognizing that smaller sample sizes increase the margin of error.
"We have a high level of confidence in these numbers," said Johnson.
"That's because we use live interviewers calling from a list of frequent voters who are then screened for their likelihood of actually voting."
A previous statewide poll conducted August 18-21, 2008 by the Florida Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with James T. Kitchens of The Kitchens Group yielded the following results: Republican John McCain 42%, Democrat Barack Obama 39%, One of the others 6% and Undecided 13%.
The August 18-21 Florida Chamber poll asked likely voters the following
question: If the election for president were held today, would you vote for Republican John McCain, Democrat Barack Obama (ROTATE) or one of the other candidates?
The results were:
Republican John McCain 42%
Democrat Barack Obama 39%
One of the others 6%
Undecided 13%
605 registered voters statewide were surveyed in the August 2008 poll.
That poll had a 95% confidence level and an overall margin of error of
+/- 4.0% recognizing that smaller sample sizes increase the margin of
The Florida Chamber poll asked likely voters the following question: If the election for President were held today, would you vote for (ROTATE) Republicans John McCain and Sarah Palin, Democrats Barack Obama and Joe Biden, Libertarian Bob Barr, Ecology Party Nominee Ralph Nader or one of the other candidates?
The results were:
Republicans John McCain/Sarah Palin 45%
Democrats Barack Obama/Joe Biden 42%
Libertarian Bob Barr 1%
Ecology Party Nominee Ralph Nader 1%
One of the Other Candidates 1%
Undecided/Don't Know/Refused 10%
"This is the Florida Chamber's first poll that includes the presidential candidates' running mates," said Marian Johnson, Vice President of Political Strategy for the Florida Chamber of Commerce. "Florida remains in play and we expect to see the candidates all over our state in the coming weeks. Third party candidates have yet to win over a significant number of Florida voters. But in a close election, as this one appears to be as of today, every vote matters so they remain a
The Florida Chamber poll also asked likely voters this question: Do you strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove or strongly disapprove of the federal government stepping in to try to address the
problems facing struggling financial institutions?
The results were:
Strongly Approve 21%
Approve 29%
Disapprove 19%
Strongly Disapprove 21%
Unsure/Refused 10%
The statewide poll was conducted September 30 - October 1, 2008 by the Florida Chamber of Commerce. 619 registered voters statewide were surveyed. This poll has a 95% confidence level and an overall margin of error of +/- 4.0% recognizing that smaller sample sizes increase the margin of error.
"We have a high level of confidence in these numbers," said Johnson.
"That's because we use live interviewers calling from a list of frequent voters who are then screened for their likelihood of actually voting."
A previous statewide poll conducted August 18-21, 2008 by the Florida Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with James T. Kitchens of The Kitchens Group yielded the following results: Republican John McCain 42%, Democrat Barack Obama 39%, One of the others 6% and Undecided 13%.
The August 18-21 Florida Chamber poll asked likely voters the following
question: If the election for president were held today, would you vote for Republican John McCain, Democrat Barack Obama (ROTATE) or one of the other candidates?
The results were:
Republican John McCain 42%
Democrat Barack Obama 39%
One of the others 6%
Undecided 13%
605 registered voters statewide were surveyed in the August 2008 poll.
That poll had a 95% confidence level and an overall margin of error of
+/- 4.0% recognizing that smaller sample sizes increase the margin of
Governor Crist Posts Approval Rating Near 70 %
A new poll released today by the Florida Chamber of Commerce shows more than two-thirds of Florida voters approve of Governor Charlie Crist's job performance. Governor Crist's job approval total is at 67 percent while only 26 percent disapprove.
Independent Poll Confirms 16-Point Lead for Buchanan
Independent Poll Confirms 16-Point Lead for Buchanan
WFLA-TV Survey Shows Buchanan crushing Jennings among Independents, 43-25
A new independent survey commissioned this week by WFLA-TV in Tampa shows U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan beating Democrat Christine Jennings by 16-points. The independent survey shows Buchanan leads Jennings 49% to 33%, confirming previous polls that have shown Buchanan with a large double-digit lead over Jennings.
The Survey USA poll is available here.
WFLA-TV Survey Shows Buchanan crushing Jennings among Independents, 43-25
A new independent survey commissioned this week by WFLA-TV in Tampa shows U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan beating Democrat Christine Jennings by 16-points. The independent survey shows Buchanan leads Jennings 49% to 33%, confirming previous polls that have shown Buchanan with a large double-digit lead over Jennings.
The Survey USA poll is available here.
Mahoney did Nothing to Prevent Credit Crisis
From Rooney for Congress:
Mahoney did Nothing to Prevent Credit Crisis
(Stuart, FL) – Tim Mahoney and his colleagues on the House Financial Services Committee ignored the warning signs of the credit crisis for the past two years, and took no action to solve the root of the problem to prevent this from happening again. The signs and the warnings were clear, but they chose to do nothing until
the last minute.
If Mahoney and his friends had acted sooner how much could they have saved the taxpayers? Why didn’t Tim Mahoney speak up and demand action on this impending crisis?
“Since taking office Tim Mahoney has accepted $495,415 from Financial Services sector including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,” said Rooney Spokesman Jeff Ostermayer. “Mahoney needs to return the campaign contributions he has received from Fannie and Freddie immediately. The taxpayers are bailing out these
organizations and Tim Mahoney is accepting campaign contributions from them, that’s just wrong.”
It is time for real leadership in Washington; Mahoney is deep in the pockets of the same special interests that turned to him for a bailout. Tom Rooney will go to Washington, beholden only to the people of the 16th District of Florida and fight for real reform.
Tom Rooney served as a Captain in the U.S. Army as a JAG Officer, taught Constitutional and Military Law at the United States Military Academy at West Point, was the CEO of Home Safe, a Palm Beach shelter for abused children, and is running for the 16th Congressional District of Florida.
Mahoney did Nothing to Prevent Credit Crisis
(Stuart, FL) – Tim Mahoney and his colleagues on the House Financial Services Committee ignored the warning signs of the credit crisis for the past two years, and took no action to solve the root of the problem to prevent this from happening again. The signs and the warnings were clear, but they chose to do nothing until
the last minute.
If Mahoney and his friends had acted sooner how much could they have saved the taxpayers? Why didn’t Tim Mahoney speak up and demand action on this impending crisis?
“Since taking office Tim Mahoney has accepted $495,415 from Financial Services sector including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,” said Rooney Spokesman Jeff Ostermayer. “Mahoney needs to return the campaign contributions he has received from Fannie and Freddie immediately. The taxpayers are bailing out these
organizations and Tim Mahoney is accepting campaign contributions from them, that’s just wrong.”
It is time for real leadership in Washington; Mahoney is deep in the pockets of the same special interests that turned to him for a bailout. Tom Rooney will go to Washington, beholden only to the people of the 16th District of Florida and fight for real reform.
Tom Rooney served as a Captain in the U.S. Army as a JAG Officer, taught Constitutional and Military Law at the United States Military Academy at West Point, was the CEO of Home Safe, a Palm Beach shelter for abused children, and is running for the 16th Congressional District of Florida.
Tim Mahoney,
Tom Rooney
Statement on Vice Presidential Debate
Tallahassee–Republican Party of Florida Chairman Jim Greer released the following statement today regarding the Vice Presidential Debate between Governor Sarah Palin and Senator Joe Biden:
“Tonight, people in Florida and across our nation learned more about Governor Palin’s real-life results and executive experience. With her signature plain-spoken style, Governor Palin contrasted her record of reform with Joe Biden’s smooth-talking, empty insider rhetoric, and the difference between them couldn’t have been clearer.
“Along with John McCain, Sarah Palin has clear convictions and knows what Americans want and deserve in our leaders: reform, a shake-up of the status quo, and bold leadership to get our economy back on track.
“Tonight, Governor Palin further energized Floridians by articulating her executive experience in an energy producing state, and talking about her strong support of international free trade, alternative energy and lower taxes for families and businesses - McCain-Palin policies that are critical to Florida’s economic prosperity.”
“Governor Palin laid out her vision to shake up Washington with John McCain, and we are more ready than ever to fight in Florida to send this team of mavericks to the White House to get to work for America.”
“Tonight, people in Florida and across our nation learned more about Governor Palin’s real-life results and executive experience. With her signature plain-spoken style, Governor Palin contrasted her record of reform with Joe Biden’s smooth-talking, empty insider rhetoric, and the difference between them couldn’t have been clearer.
“Along with John McCain, Sarah Palin has clear convictions and knows what Americans want and deserve in our leaders: reform, a shake-up of the status quo, and bold leadership to get our economy back on track.
“Tonight, Governor Palin further energized Floridians by articulating her executive experience in an energy producing state, and talking about her strong support of international free trade, alternative energy and lower taxes for families and businesses - McCain-Palin policies that are critical to Florida’s economic prosperity.”
“Governor Palin laid out her vision to shake up Washington with John McCain, and we are more ready than ever to fight in Florida to send this team of mavericks to the White House to get to work for America.”
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Debate: Biden's 14 Lies
"Joe Biden graduated from his trademark verbal gaffe to outright lie in tonight’s debate. Each time Senator Biden was on his heels, he looked directly into the camera and lied -- more than a dozen times by our count. He lied about John McCain's record, his own record, and Barak Obama's dangerous policies. Governor Palin showed the American people tonight why a McCain-Palin Administration will bring real reform, leadership, and straight talk to Washington.” --Tucker Bounds, spokesman McCain-Palin 2008
1. TAX VOTE: Biden said McCain voted “the exact same way” as Obama to increase taxes on Americans earning just $42,000, but McCain DID NOT VOTE THAT WAY.
2. AHMEDINIJAD MEETING: Joe Biden lied when he said that Barack Obama never said that he would sit down unconditionally with Mahmoud Ahmedinijad of Iran. Barack Obama did say specifically, and Joe Biden attacked him for it.
3. OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING: Biden said, “Drill we must.” But Biden has opposed offshore drilling and even compared offshore drilling to “raping” the Outer Continental Shelf.”
4. TROOP FUNDING: Joe Biden lied when he indicated that John McCain and Barack Obama voted the same way against funding the troops in the field. John McCain opposed a bill that included a timeline, that the President of the United States had already said he would veto regardless of it’s passage.
5. OPPOSING CLEAN COAL: Biden says he’s always been for clean coal, but he just told a voter that he is against clean coal and any new coal plants in America and has a record of voting against clean coal and coal in the U.S. Senate.
6. ALERNATIVE ENERGY VOTES: According to, Biden is exaggerating and overstating John McCain’s record voting for alternative energy when he says he voted against it 23 times.
7. HEALTH INSURANCE: Biden falsely said McCain will raise taxes on people's health insurance coverage -- they get a tax credit to offset any tax hike. Independent fact checkers have confirmed this attack is false
8. OIL TAXES: Biden falsely said Palin supported a windfall profits tax in Alaska -- she reformed the state tax and revenue system, it's not a windfall profits tax.
9. AFGHANISTAN / GEN. MCKIERNAN COMMENTS: Biden said that top military commander in Iraq said the principles of the surge could not be applied to Afghanistan, but the commander of NATO's International Security Assistance Force Gen. David D. McKiernan said that there were principles of the surge strategy, including working with tribes, that could be applied in Afghanistan.
10. REGULATION: Biden falsely said McCain weakened regulation -- he actually called for more regulation on Fannie and Freddie.
11. IRAQ: When Joe Biden lied when he said that John McCain was “dead wrong on Iraq”, because Joe Biden shared the same vote to authorize the war and differed on the surge strategy where they John McCain has been proven right.
12. TAX INCREASES: Biden said Americans earning less than $250,000 wouldn’t see higher taxes, but the Obama-Biden tax plan would raise taxes on individuals making $200,000 or more.
13. BAILOUT: Biden said the economic rescue legislation matches the four principles that Obama laid out, but in reality it doesn’t meet two of the four principles that Obama outlined on Sept. 19, which were that it include an emergency economic stimulus package, and that it be part of “part of a globally coordinated effort with our partners in the G-20.”
14. REAGAN TAX RATES: Biden is wrong in saying that under Obama, Americans won't pay any more in taxes then they did under Reagan.
1. TAX VOTE: Biden said McCain voted “the exact same way” as Obama to increase taxes on Americans earning just $42,000, but McCain DID NOT VOTE THAT WAY.
2. AHMEDINIJAD MEETING: Joe Biden lied when he said that Barack Obama never said that he would sit down unconditionally with Mahmoud Ahmedinijad of Iran. Barack Obama did say specifically, and Joe Biden attacked him for it.
3. OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING: Biden said, “Drill we must.” But Biden has opposed offshore drilling and even compared offshore drilling to “raping” the Outer Continental Shelf.”
4. TROOP FUNDING: Joe Biden lied when he indicated that John McCain and Barack Obama voted the same way against funding the troops in the field. John McCain opposed a bill that included a timeline, that the President of the United States had already said he would veto regardless of it’s passage.
5. OPPOSING CLEAN COAL: Biden says he’s always been for clean coal, but he just told a voter that he is against clean coal and any new coal plants in America and has a record of voting against clean coal and coal in the U.S. Senate.
6. ALERNATIVE ENERGY VOTES: According to, Biden is exaggerating and overstating John McCain’s record voting for alternative energy when he says he voted against it 23 times.
7. HEALTH INSURANCE: Biden falsely said McCain will raise taxes on people's health insurance coverage -- they get a tax credit to offset any tax hike. Independent fact checkers have confirmed this attack is false
8. OIL TAXES: Biden falsely said Palin supported a windfall profits tax in Alaska -- she reformed the state tax and revenue system, it's not a windfall profits tax.
9. AFGHANISTAN / GEN. MCKIERNAN COMMENTS: Biden said that top military commander in Iraq said the principles of the surge could not be applied to Afghanistan, but the commander of NATO's International Security Assistance Force Gen. David D. McKiernan said that there were principles of the surge strategy, including working with tribes, that could be applied in Afghanistan.
10. REGULATION: Biden falsely said McCain weakened regulation -- he actually called for more regulation on Fannie and Freddie.
11. IRAQ: When Joe Biden lied when he said that John McCain was “dead wrong on Iraq”, because Joe Biden shared the same vote to authorize the war and differed on the surge strategy where they John McCain has been proven right.
12. TAX INCREASES: Biden said Americans earning less than $250,000 wouldn’t see higher taxes, but the Obama-Biden tax plan would raise taxes on individuals making $200,000 or more.
13. BAILOUT: Biden said the economic rescue legislation matches the four principles that Obama laid out, but in reality it doesn’t meet two of the four principles that Obama outlined on Sept. 19, which were that it include an emergency economic stimulus package, and that it be part of “part of a globally coordinated effort with our partners in the G-20.”
14. REAGAN TAX RATES: Biden is wrong in saying that under Obama, Americans won't pay any more in taxes then they did under Reagan.
GOP convention,
Buchanan enjoying substantial advantage
A new Public Opinion Strategies Poll shows CD-13 Democrat challenger Christine Jennings with a favorable rating in the twentieth percentile. Meanwhile, Jenning’s unfounded attempts to smear Buchanan’s record have had little impact – Buchanan holds a 46 percent favorable rating, and leads Jennings by double digits overall.
Who Won’t Tim Mahoney Take Money From?
According to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, Tim Mahoney has received $495,415 in campaign contributions from finance, insurance and real estate interests, including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Mahoney is the 23rd leading House recipient of such contributions. This is in addition to the thousands he has received from Charlie Rangel, who has a long history of misusing taxpayer dollars, and most recently jilted taxpayers by failing to report income from offshore investments. If Mahoney has this pattern of complete disregard for where the funding for his campaign coffers originates, how can we trust him to represent the people of Florida’s 16th Congressional District in Washington?
Tim Mahoney
Find a Debate-Watching Party Near You!
The McCain-Palin presidential campaign today announced that supporters across Florida will hold debate watching parties tonight, October 2nd, as Governor Sarah Palin and Senator Joe Biden participate in the vice presidential debate in St. Louis, Missouri.
John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin's supporters are joining friends, family, neighbors and co-workers to watch Governor Palin square off with Senator Biden at the only vice presidential debate of the election season. The Florida events coincide with similar events across the entire country.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
WHO: Florida McCain-Palin Supporters
WHAT: Vice Presidential Debate Watching Parties
WHEN: Thursday, October 2, 2008 at 8:00 p.m. EDT
WHERE: Eight locations across Florida
Broward County
Erin Go Bragh Restaurant
5195 South University Drive
Davie, FL 33328
Dave and Busters
7025 Salisbury Road
Jacksonville, FL 32256
Miami Victory Office
7780 NW 25 Street
Suite 22
Doral, FL
Nassau County
Callahan Multipurpose Building
543350 U.S. Highway 1
Callahan, FL 32011
* McCain-Palin Rally will begin at 6:30 p.m., debate watch to follow
Holiday House Restaurant, with guest speaker Attorney General Bill McCollum
Club 455
455 U.S. 41 Bypass
Venice, FL 34285
* Begins at 7 p.m.
5 Tampa Bay Victory Office Locations:
800 West Lumsden Road
Brandon, FL 33510
106 Drane Street
Plant City, FL 33563
142 West Platt Street
Tampa, FL 33606
234 Bullard Parkway
Temple Terrace, FL 33617
6904 West Linebaugh Avenue
Tampa, FL 33625
John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin's supporters are joining friends, family, neighbors and co-workers to watch Governor Palin square off with Senator Biden at the only vice presidential debate of the election season. The Florida events coincide with similar events across the entire country.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
WHO: Florida McCain-Palin Supporters
WHAT: Vice Presidential Debate Watching Parties
WHEN: Thursday, October 2, 2008 at 8:00 p.m. EDT
WHERE: Eight locations across Florida
Broward County
Erin Go Bragh Restaurant
5195 South University Drive
Davie, FL 33328
Dave and Busters
7025 Salisbury Road
Jacksonville, FL 32256
Miami Victory Office
7780 NW 25 Street
Suite 22
Doral, FL
Nassau County
Callahan Multipurpose Building
543350 U.S. Highway 1
Callahan, FL 32011
* McCain-Palin Rally will begin at 6:30 p.m., debate watch to follow
Holiday House Restaurant, with guest speaker Attorney General Bill McCollum
Club 455
455 U.S. 41 Bypass
Venice, FL 34285
* Begins at 7 p.m.
5 Tampa Bay Victory Office Locations:
800 West Lumsden Road
Brandon, FL 33510
106 Drane Street
Plant City, FL 33563
142 West Platt Street
Tampa, FL 33606
234 Bullard Parkway
Temple Terrace, FL 33617
6904 West Linebaugh Avenue
Tampa, FL 33625
The Real World Florida
Debate Watch Parties Tonight
Check out this video from the Miami debate watching party last week, and don’t forget to watch Republican Vice Presidential Nominee, Governor Sarah Palin in the VP Debate Tonight at 9:00 p.m. EST. Contact your local Victory Office for information on a debate watch party in your area.
MCCAIN-PALIN 2008 Lanza Nuevo Video: "FRAUDULENT"
ARLINGTON, VA – Ayer, McCain-Palin 2008 lanzo su nuevo video llamado “Fraudulent”. El video muestra como los ataques de inmigración de parte de Barack Obama fueron clasificados por la prensa como: "absolutamente y directamente erróneos"... y "fraudulentos". Los ataques son erróneos considerando que fue Barack Obama y sus aliados en el Congreso quienes lucharon para el “Poison Pill” que significa eliminar el compromiso de la reforma inmigratoria. El video se lanzara en Colorado, Nevada y New México y será acompañado por un anuncio de radio.
Para ver el video, haga clic aquí
Para ver el video, haga clic aquí
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Governor Sarah Palin to Visit Florida
Our Republican nominee for Vice President of the United States, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, will join the Florida Ticket for a Road to Victory Rallies on October 6th in Clearwater and Ft. Myers and on October 7th in Jacksonville and Pensacola.
Click here for info.
Click here for info.
New Citizens Register to Vote for McCain-Palin
RPOF volunteers register new voters at naturalization ceremonies in Miami. The ceremony was the last before the voter registration deadline on Oct. 6.
In Case You Missed It...Palin on Israel
By Lesley Clark, Miami Herald
October 1, 2008
Remember the excitement over an Israeli flag spotted in Sarah Palin's office? Well, radio talk show Hugh Hewitt -- in one of Palin's rare interviews -- asked her about the flag and why she supported Israel.
"It is true, and I ran into Shimon Peres recently at a meeting, and he even pointed that out," she said in the interview. "He said I saw a picture of you on the internet, and you had an Israeli flag in your state government office, and I said I sure do. You know, my heart is with you.
"And all of those trials and tribulations throughout history that Israel has gone through, not only does that allow me to want to support that country, but Israel is our strongest and most important ally in the Middle East," she said. "And they are a democratic country who I believe deserves our support, and I know that John McCain believes as I do that Israel is our friend, and we need to be there to support them. They are there for us, and I do love that country."
To View, Click Here.
October 1, 2008
Remember the excitement over an Israeli flag spotted in Sarah Palin's office? Well, radio talk show Hugh Hewitt -- in one of Palin's rare interviews -- asked her about the flag and why she supported Israel.
"It is true, and I ran into Shimon Peres recently at a meeting, and he even pointed that out," she said in the interview. "He said I saw a picture of you on the internet, and you had an Israeli flag in your state government office, and I said I sure do. You know, my heart is with you.
"And all of those trials and tribulations throughout history that Israel has gone through, not only does that allow me to want to support that country, but Israel is our strongest and most important ally in the Middle East," she said. "And they are a democratic country who I believe deserves our support, and I know that John McCain believes as I do that Israel is our friend, and we need to be there to support them. They are there for us, and I do love that country."
To View, Click Here.
Greer to Thurman: Help Ensure Election Integrity
In a letter delivered this morning, RPOF Chairman Jim Greer asks FDP Chairman Karen Thurman to help ensure that every legal, legitimate vote counts in the upcoming election and expresses concern that Democrat poll watchers may attempt to inappropriately "assist" Florida voters. The text of the letter is as follows:
Dear Chairman Thurman:
As the election approaches, I want to personally request the opportunity to work with you to ensure that Florida’s voters are given the opportunity to cast their ballots free of any harassment or intimidation and to make sure that every legal, legitimate vote counts.
As you may recall, in 2004 a circuit judge in Seminole County entered an injunction against the Florida Democrat Party and the Democrat National Committee enjoining them from harassing Republican poll watchers. This order was prompted by threatening letters and phone calls to Florida residents who had registered to serve as poll watchers on Election Day. This injunction is still in effect.
I have recently read reports that Florida Democrat lawyers intend to serve as poll watchers in order to “assist” voters at the polls during the general election. I am concerned about these reports, given Florida law regarding poll watcher conduct. In particular, it should be noted that Florida law regarding poll watchers strictly prohibits poll watchers from “interact[ing] with voters.” Fl. Stat. § 101.131. Thus, it would be inappropriate for your poll watchers to provide “assistance” to voters at the polls.
As Circuit Judge Nancy F. Alley warned in 2004, “The election process should be allowed to proceed without any interference, intimidation, or other threats that may have a chilling effect on the free exercise of voters to cast their legal ballots.”
I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you, either privately or publically, to discuss ways that we can help ensure that Florida’s Supervisors of Elections and their staffs uphold Florida’s election laws to protect Florida voters.
James A. Greer
Dear Chairman Thurman:
As the election approaches, I want to personally request the opportunity to work with you to ensure that Florida’s voters are given the opportunity to cast their ballots free of any harassment or intimidation and to make sure that every legal, legitimate vote counts.
As you may recall, in 2004 a circuit judge in Seminole County entered an injunction against the Florida Democrat Party and the Democrat National Committee enjoining them from harassing Republican poll watchers. This order was prompted by threatening letters and phone calls to Florida residents who had registered to serve as poll watchers on Election Day. This injunction is still in effect.
I have recently read reports that Florida Democrat lawyers intend to serve as poll watchers in order to “assist” voters at the polls during the general election. I am concerned about these reports, given Florida law regarding poll watcher conduct. In particular, it should be noted that Florida law regarding poll watchers strictly prohibits poll watchers from “interact[ing] with voters.” Fl. Stat. § 101.131. Thus, it would be inappropriate for your poll watchers to provide “assistance” to voters at the polls.
As Circuit Judge Nancy F. Alley warned in 2004, “The election process should be allowed to proceed without any interference, intimidation, or other threats that may have a chilling effect on the free exercise of voters to cast their legal ballots.”
I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you, either privately or publically, to discuss ways that we can help ensure that Florida’s Supervisors of Elections and their staffs uphold Florida’s election laws to protect Florida voters.
James A. Greer
Statement on the Death of Representative Stan Mayfield
Tallahassee–Republican Party of Florida Chairman Jim Greer released the following statement today regarding the passing of State Representative Stan Mayfield.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Representative Mayfield, particularly his wife Deborah and his children Evan, Samuel and Coleman, as we mourn the loss of a devoted husband, father, and friend. We have lost a member of our Republican family and a public servant who represented the people of his district with honor and integrity. He will be truly missed.”
“Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Representative Mayfield, particularly his wife Deborah and his children Evan, Samuel and Coleman, as we mourn the loss of a devoted husband, father, and friend. We have lost a member of our Republican family and a public servant who represented the people of his district with honor and integrity. He will be truly missed.”
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Miami Herald Prints It All
Miami Herald: Ouch! RPOF lights into Siplin, the "shady, deadbeat felon"
"Sometimes, a press release should be printed in its entirety. Case in point, this Republican Party of Florida presser against Orlando Sen. Gary Siplin, who incidentally still owes Miami-Dade cash for his failed business, Hats in the Belfry..."
More Here
"Sometimes, a press release should be printed in its entirety. Case in point, this Republican Party of Florida presser against Orlando Sen. Gary Siplin, who incidentally still owes Miami-Dade cash for his failed business, Hats in the Belfry..."
More Here
ICYMI: FL GOP on the Warpath
Ortiz complaint dismissed; GOP goes on the warpath
Florida House lawyers have dismissed a complaint filed against Republican Senate candidate Belinda Ortiz by a Rollins College student, deciding there was no evidence she had improperly lobbied lawmakers.
The complaint was filed Monday by John Watson, a college student who has been active with the college's Young Democrat club, who alleged she had lobbied without registering with the state based on her biography on the campaign Web site. Ortiz is running against Democratic Orlando Sen. Gary Siplin, whose campaign refused to comment on the complaint.
After the Sentinel reported the complaint, Florida Democrats put out a statement Tuesday that read "It's a shame to see that the Culture of Corruption remains alive and well with Belinda Ortiz and the Republican Party."
But a day after the ink dried, House Rules Chairman David Rivera, R-Miami, dismissed the complaint Tuesday afternoon, writing to Watson that it was "based entirely on a political camapign web page, not on your personal knowledge."
Immediately, the state Republican Party went on the warpath accusing the Siplin campaign of "taking advantage of a college student."
“Gary Siplin is the last person who should be hurling ethics accusations against someone else,” said RPOF spokeswoman Erin VanSickle in a statement. “While Belinda Ortiz is clearly innocent of these misleading complaints, Gary Siplin is far from being vindicated of his charges—including a felony conviction.”
“Gary Siplin and the Florida Democrats should explain to Florida taxpayers why they are spending time fabricating complaints against others instead of working to pay back the money he owes Floridians,” she continued. “A convicted felon who refuses to pay child support simply cannot use the words ‘ethics’ and ‘culture of corruption’ and expect people to take him seriously, and both he and Karen Thurman should be ashamed of themselves.”
In an e-mail to the Sentinel, Watson said he was a registered Republican and had filed the complaint because "I believe in good government."
But Rollins College Democrats President Jonathan "Yoni" Binstock said Tuesday that Watson is a member of the group. Binstock said the group has not been involved in local races, and is focused on the presidential contest. Binstock said his group also did not sanction Watson's effort to file a complaint against Ortiz.
Read it here.
Florida House lawyers have dismissed a complaint filed against Republican Senate candidate Belinda Ortiz by a Rollins College student, deciding there was no evidence she had improperly lobbied lawmakers.
The complaint was filed Monday by John Watson, a college student who has been active with the college's Young Democrat club, who alleged she had lobbied without registering with the state based on her biography on the campaign Web site. Ortiz is running against Democratic Orlando Sen. Gary Siplin, whose campaign refused to comment on the complaint.
After the Sentinel reported the complaint, Florida Democrats put out a statement Tuesday that read "It's a shame to see that the Culture of Corruption remains alive and well with Belinda Ortiz and the Republican Party."
But a day after the ink dried, House Rules Chairman David Rivera, R-Miami, dismissed the complaint Tuesday afternoon, writing to Watson that it was "based entirely on a political camapign web page, not on your personal knowledge."
Immediately, the state Republican Party went on the warpath accusing the Siplin campaign of "taking advantage of a college student."
“Gary Siplin is the last person who should be hurling ethics accusations against someone else,” said RPOF spokeswoman Erin VanSickle in a statement. “While Belinda Ortiz is clearly innocent of these misleading complaints, Gary Siplin is far from being vindicated of his charges—including a felony conviction.”
“Gary Siplin and the Florida Democrats should explain to Florida taxpayers why they are spending time fabricating complaints against others instead of working to pay back the money he owes Floridians,” she continued. “A convicted felon who refuses to pay child support simply cannot use the words ‘ethics’ and ‘culture of corruption’ and expect people to take him seriously, and both he and Karen Thurman should be ashamed of themselves.”
In an e-mail to the Sentinel, Watson said he was a registered Republican and had filed the complaint because "I believe in good government."
But Rollins College Democrats President Jonathan "Yoni" Binstock said Tuesday that Watson is a member of the group. Binstock said the group has not been involved in local races, and is focused on the presidential contest. Binstock said his group also did not sanction Watson's effort to file a complaint against Ortiz.
Read it here.
The News Hour Features Chairman Greer and RPOF Volunteers
Republican Party of Florida Chairman Jim Greer and several RPOF Volunteers will appear on PBS’s The News Hour with Jim Lehrer today, Tuesday, September 30 and tomorrow, Wednesday, October 1, 2008. Chairman Greer will discuss Florida as a battleground state as well as the role grassroots activities will play in the remaining weeks of the 2008 Election Cycle. The News Hour will also feature volunteers from Victory Offices in Tampa and Miami.
Please check your local listings to confirm a time The News Hour will air in your region.
Please check your local listings to confirm a time The News Hour will air in your region.
The Truth About Democrats Covering Up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Economic Crisis
From the Miami Herald
"A Youtube video viralling around the Internet undercuts the Dem attack over laissez faire Republicanism with this damaging weapon: The Democrats' own words during a 2004 U.S. House of Representatives hearing where they seemed to defend Fannie Mae and resist calls for regulations."
Monday, September 29, 2008
McCain Supporters in Miami Caravans This Past Saturday
Americans of Faith Coalition, Veterans for McCain, and Students for McCain along with many volunteers participated in a total of 3 Caravans this past Saturday with this caravan above finishing at our Doral Victory office. Over 20 cars participated in this one, where they stopped traffic for rally in front of Versailles. If you are interested in participating in any future caravans, please contact a Victory office near you.
Mario Diaz-Balart Announces Grand Opening of Second Campaign Office

Due to an outpouring of support from the community and the sheer number of volunteers that have come forward to help, the Mario Diaz-Balart Campaign recently announced that it has opened a second larger office that will serve as the campaign headquarters. The new campaign headquarters is located at 12847 SW 42nd Street (Bird Road). For more information please contact the Mario Diaz-Balart Campaign at 305-220-0104.
Mario Diaz-Balart,
Roll Call Weighs in on Jennings Poll
Jennings’ Poll in Florida’s 13th District Neglects Reality (Excerpts)
By Nathan L. Gonzales
Roll Call Contributing Writer
A new poll released by Florida Democrat Christine Jennings is a great example of why it’s important to not accept polling numbers and memos at face value.
On Friday, the Jennings campaign released a poll showing her down by just 4 points in her 2008 rematch with Buchanan. According to the Sept. 22-23 Feldman Group poll, the GOP Congressman held a narrow 44 percent to 40 percent advantage in the head-to-head matchup, with 16 percent undecided.
The problem is that there are four candidates on the November ballot, not two, including 2002 and 2004 13th district Democratic nominee Jan Schneider, who is running as an Independent. The one-page polling memo makes no mention of Schneider or any third-party candidates, but asserts, “This contest has become too close to call with atmospherics that favor Jennings.”
Buchanan is vulnerable, but this polling memo and two-way ballot ignore the reality of the electoral situation and is a misleading attempt by the campaign to generate buzz around the race.
Schneider is not a fringe candidate. In 2002, she ran unsuccessfully against Katherine Harris (R), losing 55 percent to 45 percent, despite being heavily outspent.
Two years later, Schneider defeated Jennings, 47 percent to 38 percent, in the multicandidate Democratic primary and lost to Harris again, 55 percent to 45 percent, in the general election. In that race, Schneider was named one of the “Kos Dozen,” a list of candidates promoted by, a liberal Web site.
Last cycle, Jennings defeated Schneider 62 percent to 38 percent for the Democratic nomination but lost the general election to Buchanan. Schneider was angry at the Democratic Party for backing Jennings in 2004 (and since), even though she came so close to upsetting Harris in 2002 without any party help. That’s largely why Schneider continues to run in the district.
When asked about Schneider’s performance in the Feldman poll, Jennings Communications Director Melissa Smith responded, “We are releasing the information in the memo. We believe the voters of the 13th district want to replace Vern Buchanan, and that they will vote for Christine Jennings.” The omitted information screamed louder than the numbers themselves.
An Aug. 23-24 Public Opinion Strategies poll for the National Republican Congressional Committee showed Buchanan leading Jennings 48 percent to 30 percent, with Schneider drawing 6 percent of the vote.
Even though Jennings came close last cycle, she will need every Democratic vote possible in a district President Bush carried by 13 points in 2004.
In refusing to release a true ballot test reflective of the November ballot, Jennings leads observers to the obvious conclusion that she is hiding something — and to the view that Schneider’s candidacy is fatal to Jennings’ electoral chances.
By Nathan L. Gonzales
Roll Call Contributing Writer
A new poll released by Florida Democrat Christine Jennings is a great example of why it’s important to not accept polling numbers and memos at face value.
On Friday, the Jennings campaign released a poll showing her down by just 4 points in her 2008 rematch with Buchanan. According to the Sept. 22-23 Feldman Group poll, the GOP Congressman held a narrow 44 percent to 40 percent advantage in the head-to-head matchup, with 16 percent undecided.
The problem is that there are four candidates on the November ballot, not two, including 2002 and 2004 13th district Democratic nominee Jan Schneider, who is running as an Independent. The one-page polling memo makes no mention of Schneider or any third-party candidates, but asserts, “This contest has become too close to call with atmospherics that favor Jennings.”
Buchanan is vulnerable, but this polling memo and two-way ballot ignore the reality of the electoral situation and is a misleading attempt by the campaign to generate buzz around the race.
Schneider is not a fringe candidate. In 2002, she ran unsuccessfully against Katherine Harris (R), losing 55 percent to 45 percent, despite being heavily outspent.
Two years later, Schneider defeated Jennings, 47 percent to 38 percent, in the multicandidate Democratic primary and lost to Harris again, 55 percent to 45 percent, in the general election. In that race, Schneider was named one of the “Kos Dozen,” a list of candidates promoted by, a liberal Web site.
Last cycle, Jennings defeated Schneider 62 percent to 38 percent for the Democratic nomination but lost the general election to Buchanan. Schneider was angry at the Democratic Party for backing Jennings in 2004 (and since), even though she came so close to upsetting Harris in 2002 without any party help. That’s largely why Schneider continues to run in the district.
When asked about Schneider’s performance in the Feldman poll, Jennings Communications Director Melissa Smith responded, “We are releasing the information in the memo. We believe the voters of the 13th district want to replace Vern Buchanan, and that they will vote for Christine Jennings.” The omitted information screamed louder than the numbers themselves.
An Aug. 23-24 Public Opinion Strategies poll for the National Republican Congressional Committee showed Buchanan leading Jennings 48 percent to 30 percent, with Schneider drawing 6 percent of the vote.
Even though Jennings came close last cycle, she will need every Democratic vote possible in a district President Bush carried by 13 points in 2004.
In refusing to release a true ballot test reflective of the November ballot, Jennings leads observers to the obvious conclusion that she is hiding something — and to the view that Schneider’s candidacy is fatal to Jennings’ electoral chances.
Hastings apologizes for comments about Palin
Black Florida congressman apologizes for comments about Palin
By Martina Stewart
CNN Political Ticker Blog
September 29, 2008 3:18 PM
(CNN) - An African-American congressman from Florida is apologizing for his comment that black and Jewish voters should not support Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin because "anybody toting guns and stripping moose don't care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks."
"I regret the comments I made last Tuesday that were not smart and certainly not relevant to hunters or sportsmen," Rep. Alcee Hastings said in a statement issued Monday.
Last week, at a panel on the shared agenda of Jewish and African-American Democrats during the annual conference of the National Jewish Democratic Council, Hastings told attendees what he intended to tell his Jewish constituents about the importance of supporting Sen. Obama in November's presidential election. "If Sarah Palin isn't enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention," Hastings said last week. "Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don't care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through," he added
By Martina Stewart
CNN Political Ticker Blog
September 29, 2008 3:18 PM
(CNN) - An African-American congressman from Florida is apologizing for his comment that black and Jewish voters should not support Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin because "anybody toting guns and stripping moose don't care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks."
"I regret the comments I made last Tuesday that were not smart and certainly not relevant to hunters or sportsmen," Rep. Alcee Hastings said in a statement issued Monday.
Last week, at a panel on the shared agenda of Jewish and African-American Democrats during the annual conference of the National Jewish Democratic Council, Hastings told attendees what he intended to tell his Jewish constituents about the importance of supporting Sen. Obama in November's presidential election. "If Sarah Palin isn't enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention," Hastings said last week. "Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don't care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through," he added
Jennings’ Poll in Florida’s 13th District Neglects Reality
From Roll Call:
A new poll released by Florida Democrat Christine Jennings is a great example of why it’s important to not accept polling numbers and memos at face value.
Two years ago, Jennings lost the 13th district open-seat race by the slimmest of margins, 50.1 percent to 49.9 percent, to Republican Vern Buchanan. Jennings contested the results for months, claiming that voting machines in Sarasota County malfunctioned, resulting in a large number of undervotes and costing her the election.
The courts and, ultimately, the House, rejected those claims.
On Friday, the Jennings campaign released a poll showing her down by just 4 points in her 2008 rematch with Buchanan. According to the Sept. 22-23 Feldman Group poll, the GOP Congressman held a narrow 44 percent to 40 percent advantage in the head-to-head matchup, with 16 percent undecided.
The problem is that there are four candidates on the November ballot, not two, including 2002 and 2004 13th district Democratic nominee Jan Schneider, who is running as an Independent. The one-page polling memo makes no mention of Schneider or any third-party candidates, but asserts, “This contest has become too close to call with atmospherics that favor Jennings.”
Buchanan is vulnerable, but this polling memo and two-way ballot ignore the reality of the electoral situation and is a misleading attempt by the campaign to generate buzz around the race.
A new poll released by Florida Democrat Christine Jennings is a great example of why it’s important to not accept polling numbers and memos at face value.
Two years ago, Jennings lost the 13th district open-seat race by the slimmest of margins, 50.1 percent to 49.9 percent, to Republican Vern Buchanan. Jennings contested the results for months, claiming that voting machines in Sarasota County malfunctioned, resulting in a large number of undervotes and costing her the election.
The courts and, ultimately, the House, rejected those claims.
On Friday, the Jennings campaign released a poll showing her down by just 4 points in her 2008 rematch with Buchanan. According to the Sept. 22-23 Feldman Group poll, the GOP Congressman held a narrow 44 percent to 40 percent advantage in the head-to-head matchup, with 16 percent undecided.
The problem is that there are four candidates on the November ballot, not two, including 2002 and 2004 13th district Democratic nominee Jan Schneider, who is running as an Independent. The one-page polling memo makes no mention of Schneider or any third-party candidates, but asserts, “This contest has become too close to call with atmospherics that favor Jennings.”
Buchanan is vulnerable, but this polling memo and two-way ballot ignore the reality of the electoral situation and is a misleading attempt by the campaign to generate buzz around the race.
Daily Kos Survey Contradicts Jennings Push Poll
New Democrat Poll Shows Buchanan with Double-Digit Lead,
Jennings at Shockingly Low 31%, without Jan Schneider in the Poll
A fresh poll released today by the liberal Daily Kos gives Rep. Vern Buchanan a 12-point lead over challenger Christine Jennings, disputing Jennings’ own bogus poll results and showing the Democrat trailing badly among key groups like independents and seniors. The poll showed Buchanan winning 43-31 percent.
The survey was conducted Sept. 23, 24 and 25 by Research 2000 of Rockville, MD, according to the Daily Kos website. Daily Kos runs a national left-wing website dedicated to electing Democrat candidates, but the poll the site released Sunday contradicted Jennings' bogus survey that she released to the press claiming she only trailed by four points. Neither the Jennings’ poll nor the Daily Kos poll included Jan Schneider, a former Democrat who will be on the ballot in November as an unaffiliated candidate.
The Daily Kos poll said Jennings was viewed unfavorably by voters in the 13th District by a margin of 38-32 percent. Additionally, the Daily Kos survey said Buchanan was winning the age 60 and over vote by a whopping 18 points, 46 to 28 percent. Seniors are considered the most reliable voters in an election. Additionally, the poll showed Buchanan was winning the independent vote 40-30 percent.
Obviously Jennings conducted a phony push poll designed to produce a false result. Even the liberal Daily Kos disputes Jennings numbers.
Jennings at Shockingly Low 31%, without Jan Schneider in the Poll
A fresh poll released today by the liberal Daily Kos gives Rep. Vern Buchanan a 12-point lead over challenger Christine Jennings, disputing Jennings’ own bogus poll results and showing the Democrat trailing badly among key groups like independents and seniors. The poll showed Buchanan winning 43-31 percent.
The survey was conducted Sept. 23, 24 and 25 by Research 2000 of Rockville, MD, according to the Daily Kos website. Daily Kos runs a national left-wing website dedicated to electing Democrat candidates, but the poll the site released Sunday contradicted Jennings' bogus survey that she released to the press claiming she only trailed by four points. Neither the Jennings’ poll nor the Daily Kos poll included Jan Schneider, a former Democrat who will be on the ballot in November as an unaffiliated candidate.
The Daily Kos poll said Jennings was viewed unfavorably by voters in the 13th District by a margin of 38-32 percent. Additionally, the Daily Kos survey said Buchanan was winning the age 60 and over vote by a whopping 18 points, 46 to 28 percent. Seniors are considered the most reliable voters in an election. Additionally, the poll showed Buchanan was winning the independent vote 40-30 percent.
Obviously Jennings conducted a phony push poll designed to produce a false result. Even the liberal Daily Kos disputes Jennings numbers.
You Know You're in Trouble When...
Daily Kos Survey Contradicts Jennings Push Poll
New Democrat Poll Shows Buchanan with Double-Digit Lead, Jennings at Shockingly Low 31%, without Jan Schneider in the Poll
Tallahassee–A fresh poll released today by the liberal Daily Kos gives Rep. Vern Buchanan a 12-point lead over challenger Christine Jennings, disputing Jennings’ own bogus poll results and showing the Democrat trailing badly among key groups like independents and seniors. The poll showed Buchanan winning 43-31 percent.
The survey was conducted Sept. 23, 24 and 25 by Research 2000 of Rockville, MD, according to the Daily Kos website. Daily Kos runs a national left-wing website dedicated to electing Democrat candidates, but the poll the site released Sunday contradicted Jennings' bogus survey that she released to the press claiming she only trailed by four points. Neither the Jennings’ poll nor the Daily Kos poll included Jan Schneider, a former Democrat who will be on the ballot in November as an unaffiliated candidate.
The Daily Kos poll said Jennings was viewed unfavorably by voters in the 13th District by a margin of 38-32 percent. Additionally, the Daily Kos survey said Buchanan was winning the age 60 and over vote by a whopping 18 points, 46 to 28 percent. Seniors are considered the most reliable voters in an election. Additionally, the poll showed Buchanan was winning the independent vote 40-30 percent.
"Obviously Jennings conducted a phony push poll designed to produce a false result," said RPOF Communications Director Erin VanSickle. “Even the liberal Daily Kos disputes Jennings numbers."
New Democrat Poll Shows Buchanan with Double-Digit Lead, Jennings at Shockingly Low 31%, without Jan Schneider in the Poll
Tallahassee–A fresh poll released today by the liberal Daily Kos gives Rep. Vern Buchanan a 12-point lead over challenger Christine Jennings, disputing Jennings’ own bogus poll results and showing the Democrat trailing badly among key groups like independents and seniors. The poll showed Buchanan winning 43-31 percent.
The survey was conducted Sept. 23, 24 and 25 by Research 2000 of Rockville, MD, according to the Daily Kos website. Daily Kos runs a national left-wing website dedicated to electing Democrat candidates, but the poll the site released Sunday contradicted Jennings' bogus survey that she released to the press claiming she only trailed by four points. Neither the Jennings’ poll nor the Daily Kos poll included Jan Schneider, a former Democrat who will be on the ballot in November as an unaffiliated candidate.
The Daily Kos poll said Jennings was viewed unfavorably by voters in the 13th District by a margin of 38-32 percent. Additionally, the Daily Kos survey said Buchanan was winning the age 60 and over vote by a whopping 18 points, 46 to 28 percent. Seniors are considered the most reliable voters in an election. Additionally, the poll showed Buchanan was winning the independent vote 40-30 percent.
"Obviously Jennings conducted a phony push poll designed to produce a false result," said RPOF Communications Director Erin VanSickle. “Even the liberal Daily Kos disputes Jennings numbers."
McCain-Palin Campaign Statement on Today's Vote
“From the minute John McCain suspended his campaign and arrived in Washington to address this crisis, he was attacked by the Democratic leadership: Senators Obama and Reid, Speaker Pelosi and others. Their partisan attacks were an effort to gain political advantage during a national economic crisis. By doing so, they put at risk the homes, livelihoods and savings of millions of American families.
“Barack Obama failed to lead, phoned it in, attacked John McCain, and refused to even say if he supported the final bill.
“Just before the vote, when the outcome was still in doubt, Speaker Pelosi gave a strongly worded partisan speech and poisoned the outcome.
“This bill failed because Barack Obama and the Democrats put politics ahead of country.” --McCain-Palin senior policy adviser Doug Holtz-Eakin
Before McCain Came To Washington, Senate Democrats Called On McCain For Leadership In Economic Crisis
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV): "We Need The Republican Nominee For President To Let Us Know Where He Stands And What We Should Do." Reid: "We need, now, the Republicans to start producing some votes for us. We need the Republican nominee for president to let us know where he stands and what we should do." (Sen. Harry Reid, Press Conference, Washington, D.C., 9/23/08)
“Barack Obama failed to lead, phoned it in, attacked John McCain, and refused to even say if he supported the final bill.
“Just before the vote, when the outcome was still in doubt, Speaker Pelosi gave a strongly worded partisan speech and poisoned the outcome.
“This bill failed because Barack Obama and the Democrats put politics ahead of country.” --McCain-Palin senior policy adviser Doug Holtz-Eakin
Before McCain Came To Washington, Senate Democrats Called On McCain For Leadership In Economic Crisis
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV): "We Need The Republican Nominee For President To Let Us Know Where He Stands And What We Should Do." Reid: "We need, now, the Republicans to start producing some votes for us. We need the Republican nominee for president to let us know where he stands and what we should do." (Sen. Harry Reid, Press Conference, Washington, D.C., 9/23/08)
Statement by Dr. Jeffrey Feingold, Chairman of the RPOF Jewish Leadership Council Regarding the Jewish New Year
Tallahassee–Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida’s Jewish Leadership Council, Dr. Jeffrey Feingold today released the following statement in regards to Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.
"As we look toward one of the most important elections in modern history, we are mindful of the sacrifices that so many have made in order to allow our great nation to prosper.
“The Jewish New Year is a time to celebrate, reflect and give thanks for our friends, family and our freedom. The coming months are crucial to the safety and security of the United States and our special relationship with the State of Israel. In these dangerous and trying times we must each be mindful of these challenges and we must do our part to ensure that our nation remains strong and secure.
“On behalf of Chairman Greer and the Republican Party of Florida, I wish you each ‘Shana Tova,’ and this year may your family remain healthy and strong as we pray for the safety of the United States and Israel.”
"As we look toward one of the most important elections in modern history, we are mindful of the sacrifices that so many have made in order to allow our great nation to prosper.
“The Jewish New Year is a time to celebrate, reflect and give thanks for our friends, family and our freedom. The coming months are crucial to the safety and security of the United States and our special relationship with the State of Israel. In these dangerous and trying times we must each be mindful of these challenges and we must do our part to ensure that our nation remains strong and secure.
“On behalf of Chairman Greer and the Republican Party of Florida, I wish you each ‘Shana Tova,’ and this year may your family remain healthy and strong as we pray for the safety of the United States and Israel.”
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