Monday, March 16, 2009


- Sands vs. Saunders, Round Two –
Sands asks, if we’re unwilling to repeal sales tax exemptions, “why are we here?”

TALLAHASSEE- This afternoon, having reached the conclusion of their three week review of existing sales tax exemptions, House Democrats on the Finance & Tax Council are ignoring the advice of Minority Leader Franklin Sands and are following Minority Leader-designate Ron Saunders’ playbook in refusing to produce even a single tax exemption to repeal.

Minority Leader-designate Saunders’ do-nothing plan for House Democrats was clear:
“Rep. Ron Saunders, D-Key West, said he would urge Democrats to keep the exemptions, saying it's up to the Republican majority to figure out how to balance the budget.”
- WFLX-FOX/AP, “Lawmakers consider repeal of tax exemptions, ” 3/11/2009
Saunders’ strategy directly contradicts the message from Minority Leader Sands on dealing with sales tax exemptions.
“Democrats returned to a familiar refrain used repeatedly during a budget-balancing special session in January: Lawmakers must not be afraid to look at doing away with sales-tax exemptions and considering raising taxes on items like cigarettes. ‘Florida's in very, very difficult straits at this point. And if we're not willing to do that, then why are we here?’ said House Minority Leader Franklin Sands, D-Weston.”
- Florida Times-Union, ‘It’s that Bad, Florida will fall another $2.4 billion short,” 3/14/2009
House Democrats, turning away from Minority Leader Sands who says he wants the minority party to engage in a constructive role, and embracing the blame game fingerpointing strategy of Minority Leader-designate Saunders, is surprising considering their previous outspoken support for repeal of sales tax exemptions.

With 46 days left in this year’s legislative session, Floridians, frustrated by the Minority Leader-designate’s strategy to not participate in the decisions facing Florida, may be asking House Democrats a version of the same question that the Minority Leader is asking right now: “Why are you here?”
