Thursday, October 15, 2009

When Will Florida Democrats Stand Up For American Workers And Families?

Washington – Even though our country continues to face massive job loss, President Obama and Democrats in Congress continue to push a job-killing national energy tax. Despite the fact that the Congressional Budget Office has determined this so-called “cap and trade” legislation will result in more layoffs, Florida voters have reason to fear that Democrats like Suzanne Kosmas, Alan Grayson, Allen Boyd and Ron Klein will stop at nothing to please the liberal left wing of their party.

“CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf warned a Senate energy panel that there would be ‘significant shifts’ from emissions-intense sectors such as oil and refining firms to low-carbon businesses such as wind and solar power.

“’The net effect of that we think would likely be some decline in employment during the transition because labor markets don't move that fluidly,’ Mr. Elmendorf said, testifying before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

“’The fact that jobs turn up somewhere else for some people does not mean there aren't substantial costs borne by people, communities, firms and affected industries,’ he said. …

“During a time of economic uncertainty, President Obama and Democrats are attempting to conduct yet another dangerous experiment that will cause even more damage.” (Ian Talley, “Congressional Budget Chief Says Climate Bill Would Cost Jobs,” The Wall Street Journal, 10/14/09)

“Each day, families are struggling to find a way to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. As Americans continue losing their jobs, Florida Democrats are moving forward with a national energy tax that will result in further unemployment. Now voters are anxiously waiting to see if Democrats like Suzanne Kosmas, Alan Grayson, Allen Boyd and Ron Klein will continue to bow to the political pressure of liberals in Washington or finally stand up and fight for middle class families and workers. During a time of economic uncertainty, President Obama and Democrats should not be attempting another dangerous experiment that could harm our nation.” – Trevor Francis, Republican National Committee Communications Director