Monday, September 1, 2008

Floridians Focus on Storm


ST. PAUL, Minn. — Instead of a political rally, the Florida delegation will open its convention with a multi-faith prayer breakfast on Monday morning as Hurricane Gustav prompted Republicans to temper their celebration of the presidential nomination.

"When a storm like this hits, we're not Republicans or Democrats, we're all Americans," Lt. Gov. Jeff Kottkamp told the Florida delegates at a hastily called assembly Sunday evening. "When we get through this storm, then it will be time to focus on this election."

After Jim Greer, chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, announced party cancellations and called for charitable donations, delegates from South Florida concurred with the restraint and cutbacks. Arizona Sen. John McCain had earlier called for the scaled-down convention that will nominate him for president.

...Greer announced that the funds that would have been spent on an elaborate, concluding pool party on Thursday night will be donated to charities for storm victims and that delegates will be asked to bring donations to another gathering on Tuesday night.

Read more here.