Friday, September 19, 2008

McCain Opens 6 Point Lead In New CBS4 Poll

A new CBS4/SurveyUSA poll shows Republican presidential nominee John McCain leads Democratic rival Barack Obama by 6 points in the battleground state of Florida.

51 percent of those surveyed statewide said they would vote for McCain, compared to Obama's 45 percent. The lead is outside the margin of error for the poll, which was +/- 3.8 percent.

The news looks even more ominous for Senator Obama when the state is broken down by region. Senator Obama is carrying southeast Florida, including Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and West Palm Beach. But, the race is a tie in central Florida, and in all of the other regions of the state, McCain is carrying a comfortable lead.

SurveyUsa reported that in northwest Florida, McCain had led by 14 points in a similar poll conducted six weeks ago. Today, McCain has built that lead to 41 points. The numbers for McCain get even better in northeast Florida, where McCain's lead has exploded from 8 points to 46 points.

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