Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Vets for McCain!

From the Miami Herald

McCain has ties to the military that stretch across North Florida. Whenever he returns to Jacksonville, he thanks the people for their ''kindness and goodness'' to his wife and their children while he was imprisoned.

He returned to Florida after being hospitalized upon release from his 5 ½-year ordeal as a Vietnam prisoner of war. First, he was sent to Pensacola Naval Air Station, where he endured months of grueling physical therapy to allow him to fly again.

In 1976, he was given command of the Navy's largest air squadron at Cecil Field in Jacksonville, training pilots and crews for the A-7 light attack jet. That's where Stumpf met him.

Stumpf has helped put together the Escambia-based website vets4johnmccain.us, and posted a daily blog of veterans' interactions with McCain during the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn. The statewide organization is helping veterans register to vote, recruiting volunteers, assisting with absentee ballots and distributing bumper stickers or brochures.

To read the entire article, click here.