Thursday, December 4, 2008

ADL Appauds Local GOP's Rejection of White Supermacist

December 4, 2008 - 1:40 PM

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) applauds the Palm Beach County Republican Party's refusal to recognize Derek Black's election to one of the county Republican Executive Committee seats. In addition to failing to sign the Republican Party of Florida's loyalty oath, Derek Black has an irrefutable long history as a white supremacist and is a rising star in the movement.

Andrew Rosenkranz, ADL FL Regional Director, issued the following statement:

"Although white supremacists typically reject being labeled as such and prefer to say that they are pro-white, it is indisputable that Derek Black is a racist who believes that whites are smarter than non-whites, superior to non-whites and deserve to be treated differently and have more privileges because they are white. Derek Black has been attending white supremacist gatherings since he was ten years-old when he even had his own section on Stormfront to promote white supremacy to other children.

As recently as November 8th, Black was one of the keynote speakers at a white supremacist conference sponsored by former Klan leader and anti-Semite David Duke and his organization EURO (European American Unity and Rights Organization) in Memphis, Tennessee. A number of white supremacists, including Derek's father, former Klansman Don Black, racist radio show host James Edwards and Canadian racist Paul Fromm, also attended the conference."

Read more here.